Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 1 = Done

I have completed week one of my work ladies' weight loss challenge. 7.8 lbs down! Only 7 more weeks to go!

Operation dumbo walk is on hold for the time being. She is experiencing excessive overheating issues due to the high level of steroids so exercise may be a not such a good idea. Not to mention the roid rage. No walking the crabby elephant for this girl. But I did walk for 40 minutes at lunch yesterday and 3.6 miles in total today. I walked to and from work today and walked a little at lunch as well. Tomorrow I am planning on doing the same thing.

Now a tip my boss gave me was to take cool showers and baths since it cools your internal temperature down and makes you expend calories to regulate your temperature. I think I may try this as I am feeling kind of hot and gross right now. I am slightly envious of the damp ice towels I have been putting in the freezer to cool down the dog. See the hot dog picture below.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Scattered Brains

Does anyone else ever have those days where you are so scatterbrained you don't know which way is up?  Today was one of those days.  I got to work at my normal time (plus 15 minutes for an extra slap of the snooze) and got myself situated at my desk.  I got up to go to the break area for my first cup of coffee of the day plus I needed to stash my non-guilty celery snack in the fridge.  After I put my celery in the fridge, I went to set my coffee mug on the counter while grabbing the coffee pot.  That's when I realized something (queue the ominous music).  THAT was NOT my coffee cup.  That was my cell phone.  I know what you are thinking, that can't be a really easy mistake to make considering they aren't even close to being the same size, shape, color, etc...  And the best part was, as I was standing there staring with confusion obviously written all over my face and a coffee pot in my hand all prepared to fix myself a phone of coffee, someone else was in there making use of the microwave.  I think I made his day or at least provided him with something to chat to his friends about.

  What could I do?  Of course, bonk myself in the forehead with the palm of my hand and say "Whew, that could have been messy!"  I put the coffee pot down, picked up my phone and scurried away.  I went back about 10 minutes later to get my actual cup so I could avoid any possible run-in with the witness to my morning stupidity. 

This week has been a total bust for eating healthy.  I have not really stuck to counting points past lunch and have eaten out more than any person probably should.  I've been justifying it as not wanting to waste any of my "good pounds" when I'm not doing the challenge yet.  Next Tuesday will be the official start date of the weight-loss challenge.  Then I will commit to being good for 2 whole months.  This is probably not the way to think about this whole weight loss idea.  Even after the challenge is complete I will have to continue to be good so I can achieve my goals.  I found a picture of myself from my freshman year in college (a whopping 13 years ago) and may I say "Holy Cow!  Who was that girl?"  What a difference a desk job and a love of junk food can make.  I will lose the weight and be healthier and more in shape than I have ever been in my life.  How is that for a goal?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A rip in the morning to ya!

This morning was a bad morning.  I put on my favorite jeans and bent over to tie my shoes.  That's when I heard it.  The tragic sound of cloth ripping as the butt of my jeans gave up the good fight and split.  In my defense, the pants were older and the fabric was a bit worn in the seat.  But nothing is a slap in the face like your pants ripping.  At least it didn't happen at work.  Perhaps it was a wakeup call that maybe now is the time to go for a walk?

On a different note, during a conversation with my sister last night, she said to me that "hunger is fat leaving the body".  She read it somewhere and actually I did too not that long ago.  If hunger is fat leaving the body I have to say that it is not leaving fast enough.  I'm beginning to think that someone should pull the fire alarm.  That should get it moving. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Big Pony Needs Some Exercise

One of my dogs is a rather dainty pup.  She's a mastiff/great dane mix and weighs in at a low 185 lbs.  Due to a recent illness, she is on a rather humongous dose of steroids.  I think she might be getting a bit of a pot belly.  Of course, this may be a result of the almost three gallons of water she consumes in a span of 24 hours.  She sounds a bit sloshy.  So I will start trying to walk her outside among the people.  One thing to understand about her is her total fear of strangers (or anyone who doesn't live in my house).  This will take a lot of work.  I am thankful that I have at least 15 lbs on her right now.  The other two dogs have no weight problems.  One hates being outside except for potty time and the other is reaching his old age and likes to sleep and lay by his boy's feet.

So maybe not this week, but definitely next week I will start with operation "Dumbo Walk".  If this happens to coincide with my weight-loss challenge start, so be it.

Friday, March 2, 2012


This will be my first attempt at a blog.  So I will briefly appologize in advance for any silly mistakes I may make.

I started dieting on Weight Watchers in October 2011.  I have lost 20 lbs so far and kept every one of those pounds off.  I found it pretty easy to stick to and dedicated myself to being a skinnier me.  I did this primarily by counting points with very little exercise.  I hate exercise and will make any excuse to avoid it.  I am a self-diagnosed couch potato.  All of this was made significantly easier because my fiance was participating in a weight loss challenge at the same time.  But then he finished the challenge in January. 

Thump, thump, thump....  What is that?  That would be the sound of me falling off the dieting wagon and bouncing (this is due to my slight roundness).  The other morning I woke up and decided that it was time for me to gather gumption to get back on the wagon.  I will lose the 9 year old's weight of chub that is currently encasing my body and I will become the svelt babe that I know is hiding inside me.

I created a weight loss support group within the ladies at my workplace and in about a week I will initiate the first 2 month weight loss challenge of my own.  I will record my everyday issues with fighting my battle of the bulge on here so maybe I can inspire others or just create some amusement amongst any casual person who is reading this randomly out of sheer boredom.  I will also probably toss in some bits about my dogs, home improvements, and my crafting.  I crochet and knit in my spare time.  This may enable my avoidance of everything exercise since it's hard to crochet or knit on a treadmill.

I suppose I should throw in some info about myself.  I am 31 year old engineer that weighs all of 204.4 lbs as of this morning.  My goal weight is 140 lbs.  I am engaged to wonderful man and live with him, his son, and our three dogs.